W e l c o m e

Where There Is Fear, There Is No Creativity!
So let's reconnect that Inherent program we all brought with us, simply by being a human.
It's our only antidote to stress that can block the noise long enough for us to rethink, reinvent and finally have the lives and support we really want. The one we're finally ready for...NOW.

Our New Home Base
Since life has changed, I did too. I knew it was time to completely rethink lifestyle from the ground up. So, on a tiny budget of $10K (which had to include everything right down to each object and every light bulb and extension cord) I created the new film studio for CL HOME and our new Lifestyle Lab Video Learning Annex. It's my creative place which I hope becomes your new safe place to. You can see what we've been up to HERE.
It All Starts With The Right Paint Colors & Fabrics!
At the advent of COVID I did a major pivot to provide important tools to help folks actually use their creativity to be productive. In so doing I hoped it might calm the stress and open the soul.
However, the thing with getting creative, if you haven't done it for awhile, is first, finding the courage and then knowing "where to start!"
Well, the answer is under your own roof. You know, in that home you've spent way too much time in recently? ---That very place where, under close inspection, you've come to realize just isn't working as good as it should? Yup, I get it!
That's why I created 12 complete video room recipes that break down the hardest element in design for you since (as any good designer knows) it all starts with color and pattern. If you can get that right, then the rest of the interior design process falls naturally into place. So I hope you'll check them out. They are 100% free! So no excuses! Each video room recipe contains all the fabrics and pre-coordinated paint colors you'll need to create environments you can really live in. Best of all you can download them to your computer or smart phone so it's always with you. It's like a shopping GPS, to which you'll match everything else you'll select Learn more about them here.
What's on
my mind...
I try to write when I can...but beware. Because of my extreme dyslexia, it takes awhile and still there are a millions typos. I'm sorry about that. When I've used proofers, in the past, I've found that my voice starts not to sound at all like me and folks accuse be of not writing them myself. So, I've forgone the spelling issues to preserve that voice, which I know many of you say is still in your head from the old TV days. Still, I hope you enjoy them. See all my latest blogs

Read what's on my mind

See what's on my mind

See what's on my mind.

Read what's on my mind
Viewer Mail

Ask Christopher
Hi Christopher,
How much should I pay for a sofa? Or should I reupholster the one I have. Any Tips?
Viewer Mail is a brand new feature that we've added. As we all try to figure out what the new normal is while learning how to live more intentionally then ever before, I wanted to help. So through my viewer mail videos, together we all can figure out what quality of life means to us NOW!
As many of you know the emotional side of home is just as important as the physical end result. I hope this new platform allows us to tackle many new issues in a way that transforms fear into new possibilities. Watch some of our segments HERE.

Viewer Mail answers by Christopher Lowell

Viewer Mail questions to Christopher Lowell

Get design answers from designer Christopher Lowell

Viewer Mail answers by Christopher Lowell
Don't forget to check to check out our Lifestyle Lab learning anex where we're always looking for media ways for us to connect.